This blog favors a
conservative point of view on economic, military and foreign policy issues, and a liberal point of view on human rights .

I believe it is unrealistic to ignore the fact that we have real enemies in the world who are dedicated to bringing about our destruction. And that it is equally unrealistic for any one special interest group to decide to have their preferred personal lifestyle legislated into becoming the law of the land simply because they disagree with lifestyles that are contrary to their preference. If you do not approve of a certain lifestyle, then don't live that way. But do not try to make other lifestyles illegal. That is what freedom is all about.

When exercising one's freedom, care should be taken not to step on the rights and freedoms of others in the process.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nothing More Necessary Than This Compromise

So the economic stimulus package keeps getting pared down by the necessary negotiation that has to occur between the Democrats and Republicans in order for things to move forward and for our economy to get its much needed injection of money. The Republicans hold fast to their belief that the entire package is merely an effort to spend more money on useless things that won’t create jobs—and because of that, will not stimulate the economy in the right way needed to cause real growth. Their position, of course, is that only tax cuts for those who really invest will encourage the type of spending that will actually create jobs.

The Democrats, however, are trying to spend money on projects that will result in contracts for small businesses which provide the services needed to upgrade our infrastructure. Both strategies are correct and both will create jobs. Many questions remain, not the least of which is: Where will these jobs be created? Without changes in our tax laws many large corporations with profits made in foreign markets have no incentive to spend those profits in the U.S. because of the tax penalties placed upon returning foreign earned dollars. Tax cuts to those corporations without an accompanying change to the tax code will only result in investment in cheaper foreign labor markets that are not burdened with American styled regulation.

On the other hand, to ignore our crumbling infrastructure and our ailing healthcare system would be folly. With our economy in such a weakened state, now is the perfect time for the government to spend money on those things. Never mind the objections the Republicans have concerning spending money on education and the healthcare system at a time when those sectors are not losing jobs. Our education system needs to be revamped so we can better prepare our next generation. And the healthcare system is broken, and fixing it now would go a long way toward relieving the burden felt by many families who have mounting healthcare costs while at the same time experiencing a shrinking family income.

Still it is wise to recognize that both parties had valid arguments during this recent fight. The Democrats are right to push for money for education and healthcare as part of the overall package. And the Republicans are right to try to rein in the spending somehow. It is after all the largest spending bill to ever grace the floor in either house of congress. Without the clash between parties over the details of this bill the entire project could have taken on such a scope that once initiated, everything in motion in our society would be a government project. In reality, that wouldn’t be a permanent fix. And it is a permanent solution that we really need.

1 comment:

  1. This stimulus package is just a dancing contest between the Democrats and Republicans and I'm getting tired of it. We all lose because of the deficit it causes. The fact is that the politicians in our government caused this problem by under regulating and pushing the banks to keep lending, no matter what. This is being overlooked.

    Now, the citizens are feeling betrayed by both the politicians and Wall Street and they don't know who to trust. Since they don't know who to trust or if they will have a job tomorrow, they save their money and begin paying off debt and not spending. I hate to say this, but this is making the problem worse. My mortgage company called me just last week asking if I wanted to refinance my home loan. I asked him why he called now. He said he wanted to make the offer before anyone else did. I told him I wasn't working and he said we could use my wife's credit since she was working. This institution was lending, just as they have been saying.

    The health care system is definitely broken. In the future I see doctors forming their own organization that will insure and treat people for a flat fee, thus eliminating the insurance companies. Lawsuits from the attorneys and excessive premiums from the insurance companies have caused this problem. I know some of the doctors that have figured this out and are proceeding as I mentioned. We really don't need the insurance companies. They are just middlemen taking money and redistributing it after taking their share. Sound familiar?

    That is the role of our government. Take everyone's money and redistribute it to others. And if you don't pay, you lose everything except your citizenship. Oh, they won't take that away from you because then you won't have to pay any more taxes. Yes, I believe we are becoming a socialistic society little by little. Next they take away our guns claiming that we don't need them anymore. Then they take our right to own property and keep the majority of our income and only give us what they think we need.

    And don't get me started on Global Warming!!! I know the cavemen created the first ice age by burning all of the firewood and we are just now recovering from it. And you can quote me on that!! Al Gore did it, so can I....
